Category: Uncategorized

  • The great adventures of babysitting

    I will start off with, my journey with babysitting was only supposed to be short term, five years and I would move on. I had twins that at the time were six and we had our daughter and I wanted to be with her. Recommendations of babysitting just seemed perfect for the fit. It started…

  • Radiate sunshine even on dark days.

    Not all days will be sunshine and rainbows. We have to experience bad days to teach us how to overcome them. Life will never be perfect; you have to find your perfect and live in that. Many times, we all want immediate outcomes for things, maybe a project we are on, a new career change,…

  • Cooking is good for the soul.

    I have always enjoyed cooking for as long as I can remember. It started at an early age with my grandmother. My fondest childhood memory stems back to the smell of breakfast aroma in the air at her house. It would still be dark outside, but there is no sleeping with that deliciousness surrounding me.…

  • Healthy for the whole year, not just New Year’s!

    Imagine kickstarting the New Year without the pressure of adopting a new diet. Guess what? You absolutely can! For as long as I can remember, dieting has been the top 5 goals of the New Year. Low carb, no carbs, no sugar, whatever you can imagine, it’s the thing. I personally want all the goods…

  • Beginning each day with a calm mood takes a positive attitude.

    How we approach our day begins with our attitude. If you wake up mad or aggravated about something that occurred the day before, you are just setting yourself up on the wrong foot. Let yesterday be and focus on the new positive changes you can set yourself up for. Learn to let things go at…

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